TupuToa Blog - Week 1-3
Week 1 - 4th to 8th December 2017
My first week with NZICC has exceeded any expectation I had prior to starting. I assumed that working with SKYCITY I would be more involved with the hospitality and tourism business as opposed to assisting the marketing manager of one of the biggest operations in New Zealand.
Nevertheless the short time spent with NZICC has been thoroughly enjoyable. I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to prove myself and its helps that the Team has been warm and inviting.
I have spent one week with this extraordinary team and have learnt so much. I have gained an understanding of the relationships between the New Zealand International Convention Centre (NZICC), Tourism New Zealand (TNZ), Auckland Convention Bureau (ACB), and Auckland Tourism Events & Economic Development (ATEED) in regards to their contribution towards achieving the Auckland’s Business Events Plan (ABEP).
According to my observations the Auckland Business Events Plan vision is to develop Auckland by generating more economic benefits and improving existing economic systems by stabilizing them, without affecting our sense of identity. This is what makes this operation so wonderful; NZICC works towards altering brand perceptions and creating an environment that can cater to visitors and overall make New Zealand more inviting for overseas conferences and business events.
First off, reading about these positions and how they contribute to the overall operation is a lot different to applying it in reality. I was recently told to remember that 'people are people' despite the position they hold in terms of profession. That was probably the second best advice I’ve received aside from the acronyms I have created to remind myself to 1. Keep It Nice And Simple (KINAS) and 2. Don’t Over Complicate (DOC).
Apart from the people management advice I can see how critical every role is and the importance of a diverse range of perspectives. To my understandings diversity is important within businesses and particularly for NZICC as it brings a wider range of opinions and perceptions. According to my extremely driven, inspirational manager, Sarah Burilin, “You can look at something 1,000 times and still miss the smallest mistakes, whilst a fresh perspective can find it straight away”. However; not only can a fresh perspective notice what you are blind to, they are also able to add their own value.
In conclusion this week has been busy. But I expect nothing less from the largest operation that will bring so much value to New Zealand on an international spectrum. I cannot wait to add my personal touch, but until then I will continue flicking through my readings and hoping that this migraine is proof that my brain is processing everything appropriately.
Kind Regards,
Te Oha Hancock
Week 2 - 11th to 15th December 2017
How was your second week here at NZICC?
My second week at NZICC has been quite a challenge. Nothing too overwhelming in terms of work standards, but a rush on meeting deadlines is very much a reality here at NZICC. With everyone consumed in work even the smallest tasks are difficult to find time for. However; that is what provides my role with a sense of importance.
What did you do?
On top of completing my first ever presentation in front of my work colleagues, I was given a general task that contributed to one overall duty. The duty was as simple as sending gifts to NZICC work associates, this displays manaakitanga and also gratitude towards those who continue to contribute towards the NZICC operation. I know this task sounds relatively simple, but do not be fooled.
Due to the fact that the value of the gift is equivalent to 1/3 of my rent in Hamilton extra precautions were taken, this meant a whole lot of bubble wrap, cello tape and multiple trips to The Warehouse Stationary and the Post Office. It didn’t help that the boxes ordered for the international gifts were delayed due to the festive Christmas season. Nevertheless the team was able to find time in their busy schedules to assist Morag and I, and all was sent of successfully.
My first presentation
This week Sarah had given me the responsibility exploring possible suggestions for names of rooms within the NZICC. Possible names for the room are to be associated with the history of the area, where NZICC will be situated and its surroundings, physicality’s of the room and benefits from where it is positioned, and finally the environment that NZICC is aiming to create and ultimately our vision for New Zealand.
Firstly, I listed possible suggestions, caught up with Sarah and Jaime to discuss these suggestions and we conducted a small process of elimination.
Next I was asked to gather the names and put it in a formal presentation format to present in front of the team. Closer to presenting the nerves kicked in. However, as soon as all the information was presented and later further discussed, I was praised for my efforts.

As a team we further discussed the names and conducted yet another process of elimination, this was very helpful. The team was able to provide me with different perspectives and constructive criticism in a comforting manner. Callum was also able to provide me with a further task, and directions that can assist me in perfecting my work.
Next week I can look forward to working with Prue (Director of Sales) who can further my knowledge in terms of NZICC’s target market. I was also given the task of correlating the names to fit the target market needs, as well as provided sale support strategies. I also have the responsibility of relating these two elements regarding the different events NZICC aim to host.
As remuneration for my efforts the team decided we would dine in at “Huami” for lunch, one of the loveliest restaurants on Federal Street. We were fortunate enough to get a private room due to the fact that the restaurant was relatively full. Here we decided to indulge in amazing cuisine, personal banter and ultimately celebrate how successful the presentation went. My stomach and I are extremely grateful and cannot wait to see what happens next. Thanks Team! #Youthebomb.com
Naku Noa,
Te Oha Hancock
Week 3 - 18th to 22nd December 2017
Blessed Monday
Monday morning Sarah informed us that we are in the last week of work, and to ensure we tick all the important things to do off, while keeping perspective in reagrds to deadlines - basically not to fall in to the end of year panic. To top it off I was fortunate enough to see the other interns on my program and impress them with a few of the things I do here at NZICC, including the presentation I delivered the prior week and what I’m currently altering and expanding on.
What I worked on this week
I was also able to catch up with Prue our Director of Sales who was able to provide me with information regarding our customer base. I mention her because I admire her ability to not only provide me with an understanding that I am able to relate to, but in a manner that captures my attention without drifting off, and without making me feel simple minded. The perfect examples of the synchrony mentioned in week one, K.I.N.A.S. Keeping it nice and simple! As well as a new one BAAI (that I pronounce like BAE) Be Appropriate About It!
Christmas in the office
Aside from the un-exclusive competition of who can type the fastest proceeding throughout the office, we’ve had a few moments that encapsulate this festive season! We have celebrated staff birthdays with morning tea cake, Jaime and her amazing gingerbread biscuits and Sarah with her hilarious Christmas jumper. It’s a reminder that although I am working alongside important people who play significant roles and display consistent efforts in everything that they do; there is always time for celebration.
I was even blessed with treats from Jaime and spent a fantastic evening celebrating the Marketing teams efforts for the year. Thank you Sarah for the hospitality! And thank both Sarah and Jaime for giving me the realisation that although I am the youngest in age, I may not be at heart #LOLS
From me to NZICC
So before my break I would like to thank everyone here at NZICC for making me feel comfortable, providing support and entertainment throughout my three weeks here. Thank you for all that you have taught me so far and for having faith in my efforts, for the hot chocolates because I don’t actually drink coffee, the great food and so much more. I wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing you all next year.
Your favorite Intern
Te Oha Hancock